开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - THE FUTURE OF INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIVE ENGI NEERING\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Process Indus tries\n\nSpeak Details: Speaker\; Dr Tim Fox\nChair\; Pamela Robinson\n\nD escription : To book your place on to this event\, \;please click here .\n\n\n\nThis Process Industries Division Event has been organised by the Process Industries Division Centres in the North West \;and Yorkshire Regions and the Aberdeen Area\, part of the Process Industries Community\n Exploring the collaborative tradition in engineering\; how engineers have\ , and do\, collaborate\; why it is important to tackling the world&rsquo\; s most pressing problems\; what the key challenges to international collab oration are and how to address them.\nIn 2022\, the IMechE&rsquo\;s 175th anniversary year\, the Institution launched its report \;&lsquo\;A Man ifesto for the Future of International Collaborative Engineering&rsquo\;&n bsp\;authored by Dr Tim Fox. The report looks at the challenges and opport unities for international engineering collaboration\, especially in the li ght of the covid-19 pandemic\, climate change and emerging geopolitical tr ends.\nTackling the world&rsquo\;s most pressing global challenges will re quire increased international engineering collaboration across many discip lines to develop sustainable solutions.\nSolving global challenges such as climate change\, biodiversity loss and future pandemics will require worl dwide collaboration in contradiction of the current trends towards nationa lism and isolationism.\nThis report explores the nature of engineering col laboration\, in the context of our experience of the covid-19 pandemic\, a nd considers how engineers have a unique role in integrating scientific\, social and economic knowledge into holistic approaches.\nIt features three case studies on collaboration during the pandemic- Fujifilm&rsquo\;s work to support vaccine manufacture\; the University College London (UCL) &nda sh\; venture project to develop a new breathing aid for covid-19 patients\ ; and the experience at Brunel University of working with engineering stud ents exclusively online.\nIn all three cases\, the legacy is a previously unthinkable way of collaborating to achieve high standards of engineering and creating a new approach to innovation which has yielded impressive res ults.\nThe key benefit is access to technology\, approaches\, systems that are particularly high in one country but not in another.\nThe report call s on governments to develop and implement strategies to drive greater inte rnational collaboration\, supporting countries which do not have the resou rces to design and implement the systems level programmes needed to solve global challenges.\nThe role of governments is to create an environment th at engenders\, nurtures and encourages systems collaboration\, to remove b arriers to collaboration and to participate at a high level in collaborati ve structures that encourage international engagement. There is also a gov ernment role in actively encouraging academia and business to collaborate. \nEngineering solutions to global challenges must be &ldquo\;culturally se nsitive&rdquo\; to be as beneficial as possible \; and Managers must h ave the right skills to lead teams working across different cultures.\nFro m a broad social context\, each country has different culture norms and th erefore a different ways of implementing solutions\, so to deliver success ful global solutions we need to understand how they&rsquo\;ll be used and implemented locally.\nThe manifesto recommends:\n1. \; \; \; & ldquo\;Governments develop and implement international collaboration strat egies that drive industrial\, business and public sector collaboration to meet the 21st century&rsquo\;s major global challenges.\n2. \; \;& nbsp\; &ldquo\;The professional bodies for engineering need to lead the pr eparation of engineers at all stages in their professional journey to meet the challenges of effective and efficient international collaboration.\n3 . \; \; \; &ldquo\;Industry\, business\, and the public sector must recognise the importance of international collaboration in tackling major global issues and empower managers to support their engineers in mee ting the challenges of collaborative working.&rdquo\;\n\nContact Details: Noel Hensman\nTelephone: (+44) 0161 494 8845 \nAddress: United Kingdom. DTEND:20230607T130000 DTSTAMP:20230820T065739Z DTSTART:20230607T120000 LOCATION:Online Webinar\, Online Webinar\, Online Webinar\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:THE FUTURE OF INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIVE ENGINEERING UID:e3180594-8a3b-4c1d-8818-e19a3965deea END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR