开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Preparing for armed forces IEng and CEng inter view\n\nEvent Type: Professional development event\n\nIndustry Sector: Def ence\n\nSpeak Details: Jill Dwyer\, Business Development Manager - Defence \nShaun Flanigan\, Professional Development Consultant and PRI volunteer\n \nDescription : Why attend this session? \nThis one-hour session will cove r the professional review interview\, what to expect and how to prepare.\n \nWe will explain the format of the virtual interview and how it will be c onducted.\n\nOne of our regular interviewers will share his tips for prepa ring effectively for the interview and will explain how to make the most o f your military experience to demonstrate the five areas of competence.\n\ nThere will be time for questions.\n\nSession outcomes\nBy the end of this session you will know how to prepare effectively for the professional rev iew interview and what to expect. You will be prepared for changes under U K SPEC 4.\nDate and time: \n4 July 2023 12.00-13.00\nLocation: \n\nMS Team s\nAttendance is free of charge.\n\nRegister for this event:\nYou need to pre-register to attend these sessions. Email the Defence Liaison officer&n bsp\;here \;to register.\nIf you think this workshop would be of inter est to you or any of your colleagues\, please do share this information.&n bsp\;\n\nContact Details: Jill Dwyer\nTelephone: 07590 735816 DTEND:20230704T130000 DTSTAMP:20230820T065610Z DTSTART:20230704T120000 LOCATION:Webinar\, See link in description\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Preparing for armed forces IEng and CEng interview UID:53231acd-7cce-445d-a746-df9bb18147ae END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR