开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Webinar: Become an IMechE Fellow (Oceania)\n\n Event Type: Professional development event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-secto r\n\nSpeak Details: Zen is the IMechE Business Development Manager based i n Kuala Lumpur\, Malaysia. More information about him: https://nearyou.ime che.org/near-you/south-east-asia/imeche-business-development-manager\n\nDe scription : Event/Webinar timing is at 13:00 pm (Melbourne\, GMT +10)\n&nb sp\;\nFellowship is the most senior level of IMechE membership\, particula rly suitable for engineers in a leadership role and influential in their o rganisation's policy and strategy. \;\n\nThis short presentation will give advice on how to apply and what we look for. \; \;\n\nFull de tails of the Fellow criteria\, guidance notes and application form can be found at: \;\n//www.pedrorafa.com/membership-registration/upgrade-y our-membership/fellowship-applications-existing-members\n\nMost people who apply for Fellowship are existing professionally registered engineers\, b ut you don't have to be to apply\, and it is possible to gain direct entry as a Fellow and become professionally registered at the same time. \; \n\nThere is no fee to join this webinar. It is open to all.\nFeel free to share the URL link of this event to your colleagues/friends/organisation. \;\n\nOnce you have registered\, you should receive an email containi ng further information to join this webinar from the presenter. Please con tact the presenter if you do not receive an email.\n \;\nThis event ti ming above is based on GMT + 10\n\nContact Details: Zen Teng\nAddress: Mal aysia. DTEND:20230818T140000 DTSTAMP:20231022T093100Z DTSTART:20230818T130000 LOCATION:Virtual Event\, South East Asia\, No Physical Venue\, Malaysia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Webinar: Become an IMechE Fellow (Oceania) UID:13fdbf34-212c-44da-bb2f-84c23adfed75 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR