manbetx体育注册BEGIN:VCALENDAR方法:PUBLISBEGIN:VEDRATION:NearOceania\nEvent类型:Prsional开发事件manbetx体育注册More information about him: ou/south-east-asia/imeche-business-development-manager\n\nDescription : Ev ent timing is in Melbourne \;time\, GMT +10 time zone\n\nBook a Member ship Surgery with the IMechE Business Development Manager. \;\nThe Bus iness Development Manager can schedule 30 minutes slots either on Microsof t TEAMS or telephone call \;to provide you with any advice of the foll owing:\n\n- About the Institution\n- IMechE Professional Registration Path way\n- Correct Academic and Work Competency Requirement\n- Which membershi p category is right for you\n- Tips/Guidance or Review of your Membership Application\n- Tips/Guidance to prepare for your Professional Review Inter view\n\nThere is no fee to join this event.manbetx体育注册s/friends/Organisation/DTEND:20230922T190000dTSTART:20230922T160000