开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - 100 Years of Aircraft Innovation - Wright Flye r to CSeries\n\nEvent Type: Technical Lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Aerospac e Industries\n\nSpeak Details: Gavin Campbell CEng FIMechE is Director\, D esign Engineering & Technology Development at Bombardier Aerospace\, Belfa st. He has worked at Short Brothers PLC and Bombardier Aerospace since gra duating from the University of Ulster in 1985. He was assigned to Bombardi er Aerospace in Montreal from 1997-19\n\nDescription : In 1908 the Short b rothers formed the world's first aircraft manufacturing company and shortl y afterwards signed a contract with the Wright brothers to build six Wrigh t Flyers - another world first. Their enterprise and initiative laid the f oundation for what is now the largest manufacturing company on the island of Ireland\, and a technology roadmap which leads directly to the recently launched Bombardier CSeries. Today\, Bombardier Aerospace\, Belfast is a centre of excellence for the design\, manufacture and support of large air craft structures\, including fuselages\, wings\, engine nacelles and fligh t control surfaces in metal and advanced composites. Find out about some o f the key engineering innovations along the way and how local engineers ar e developing technology to keep at the forefront of this global industry.\ n\nContact Details: DTEND:20090303T194500 DTSTAMP:20230627T075337Z DTSTART:20090303T183000 LOCATION:Lecture Theatre HG 22\, Dublin City University\, dublin 9\, Irelan d SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:100 Years of Aircraft Innovation - Wright Flyer to CSeries UID:ff1d501b-a9c5-41d6-b5e7-f47ffaa83121 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR