开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - VEHICLE CRASH RECREATION\n\nEvent Type: Techni cal Lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Automobile\n\nSpeak Details: Dr James L. B righton is a senior lecturer in Off-road and Motorsport Vehicle Dynamics a t Cranfield University\, Bedford. He consults to media and TV companies wo rldwide in his spare time on engineering related vehicle projects\n\n\n\nD escription : A small team of engineers have been creating full scale vehic le crashes for the media industry. These recreations are used to demonstra te how crashes happen so that drivers understand the significance of their actions.\nOften the public only see the wreckage left by the side of the road after a crash\, the significance of which will vary from person to pe rson\, but it is rarely the case that any comprehension of the cause can b e conveyed.\nMost of the crash scenarios created have been to replicate pa rticular accidents\, side swipes from LHD trucks\, Armco impacts\, and the notorious M42 accident some years ago.\nThe presentation will cover the m ost significant crashes\, the technology developed specifically for the pu rpose of controlling cars and how easy it is to have a life threatening ac cident. \nIt is also hoped to include some more wacky challenges..... such as the rocket retardation system dreamt up by a Hollywood TV company.\n\n Contact Details: DTEND:20110317T210000 DTSTAMP:20230820T064649Z DTSTART:20110317T193000 LOCATION:Park Farm Hotel (Hethersett)\, Hethersett\, Norwich\, NR9 3DL\, Un ited Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:VEHICLE CRASH RECREATION UID:43f25d11-b43d-45dc-b7ce-2cda3f728770 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR