开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - HETHEL ENGINEERING CENTRE\n\nEvent Type: Techn ical Lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Research & development\n\nSpeak Details: Dorian Hindmarsh. Business Development Manager\, Hethel Engineering Centr e.\nDr Hindmarsh has worked at the Hethel Engineering Centre for 5 years w ith various responsibilities from direct business development\, strategy\, support & consultancy through to network development and hosting EAME\, t he regio\n\nDescription : Hethel Engineering Centre (HEC) is a relatively new and expanding facility located next door to the world famous Lotus Car s. It is at centre of advanced manufacturing and engineering and supports Incubation\, Innovation and Enterprise. The HEC supports and develops bus inesses and their opportunities with strong emphasis on both low carbon an d automotive technologies.\nThrough the unique support tool of Pilot Innov ation Projects\, the HEC has supported many low carbon programs and has be en involved in pushing new technology from experimental low carbon fuels a nd the UK's only wind turbine supply chain (ERWE)\, through to EV motor ra cing. The low-carbon and clean transport agenda is a mixed space at presen t\, with developers exposed to both opportunity and blind-alley. \nEastern Region is the hot-bed for automotive and vehicle development\, a factor w hich keeps those at the Centre excited to participate in this dynamic sect or.\nWith the cost of mainstream fuel on the increase\, what is the long-t erm future for the every day road-user? New Technology!\n\nContact Detail s: DTEND:20110414T210000 DTSTAMP:20230820T064637Z DTSTART:20110414T193000 LOCATION:Park Farm Hotel (Hethersett)\, Hethersett\, Norwich\, NR9 3DL\, Un ited Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:HETHEL ENGINEERING CENTRE UID:49e48b11-524b-48b2-8235-9ca26a96b704 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR