BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Paper Presentation on Wind Energy LYON - REPOR T\n\nEvent Type: Technical Lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Renewable energy\n\ nSpeak Details: Catherine Marshall\, Project Manager in Turbine Engineerin g\, EOLE RES\n\nDescription : Icing - the big freeze on wind turbines\n"A survey of current issues and future strategies for ensuring \;technica l\, environmental and financial compatibility."\nGroupe France welcomed Ca therine Marshall on 14th April in Lyon to present a paper on the subject o f alternative energy from Wind Power\, concentrating on the new 'hot topic ' of icing on blades.Catherine succee解析用实战环境搜索fo解题由偶数雄工和femae工程师组组成的Tenhee受各种潜在解决方案的启发,从内在加热复合构件到内爆热空气不等受访者Catherine坚持不回答问题或商业证明