开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Visit - FG Wilson\n\nEvent Type: Technical Vis it\n\nIndustry Sector: Automobile\n\nSpeak Details: Sam Kirkpatrick FIMech E CEng General Manager\n\nDescription : A visit has been arranged to FG Wi lson\, in Newberry\, South Carolina with Sam Kirkpatrick FIMechE. CEng. Ge neral Manager. FG Wilson is a wholly owned subsidiary of Caterpillar. De tailed company information and directions can be obtained from either web site http://www.fgwilson.com/ or www.cat.com \n \nThis visit is intended for IMechE members\, however if you wish to bring a guest\, please advise me at an earlier date\, to see if they can be accommodated. The visit wi ll be canceled if there is not much interest by IMechE members.\n \nThe ba sic agenda is intended to cover the morning of Friday April 15 :-\nStart a t 10:00 Am with a factory tour.\n \nA short presentation on CAT and on the plans for the facility in Newberry.\n \nBrief career Bio's from IMechE Me mbers.\n \nLunch will be brought in and we can socialize over lunch. \n \n Please let me know by Friday April the 8th at the latest if you wish to at tend\n \nThis visit is approved by the IMechE through International Develo pment Executive Rachel Leech.\n \nIf you did not receive an email with thi s notice please contact me at MJBoswellimeche@aol.com with your email addr ess.\n \nPlease address any questions to me. As a courtesy I have include d Sam Kirkpatrick's details and the facility address below.\n \nMalcolm\nI MechE Corresponding Member \n \nTel: + 1 864 963 8147 \nFax: + 1 864 963 8147 \nEmail: MJBoswellimeche@aol.com \nSkype Name MJBoswe\n \n \nSam Kirkpatrick\nGeneral Manager\, Newberry Facility\nElectric Power Division\ nNewberry\, SC\nOffice Phone: 803-405-8300\n\n\n\nContact Details: DTEND:20110415T140000 DTSTAMP:20231028T133004Z DTSTART:20110415T100000 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Visit - FG Wilson UID:5268cdc6-cccd-4e92-ae24-a2e2dbecdaa1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR