开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Young Engineers Paper Prize Competition\n\nEve nt Type: Competition Event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Detai ls: \n\nDescription : The Mechanical and Manufacturing Division of Enginee rs Ireland and Republic of Ireland Branch of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers are jointly offering a best paper competition for Young Enginee rs (Young Engineers are defined as those within ten years of their primary degree). Abstracts and Papers submitted must be related to a researched a spect of mechanical or manufacturing engineering that you have conducted i n one of the following related areas: Energy\, Environment\, Transport\, E ducation\, or Biomedical. Submissions must present original work and may b e co-authored as long as the Young Member applicant is the primary author as indicated by having their name first in the author list. Papers will be judged on the quality of presented research and the expected level of ben efit to industry and society.\nPrizes\n1st place - €500 and submission for publication\n2nd place - €300\n3rd place - €200\nCompetition winners will be requested to give a presentation of their work at a joint meeting of m embers of Engineers Ireland and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. A suggested Journal for publication of the paper will be notified to the co mpetition winner. If the winning paper author(s) agree to the selected Jou rnal within the review year\, the paper will be submitted to the selected Journal. Where a Review Committee member is a member of the Editorial Boar d of the selected Journal\, the review process may be fast tracked.\nAutho r Key Due Dates\nPaper Title and Abstracts (200 words max.\, follow format given for paper): 31st March 2011 \nPaper submission: 7th May 2011\nPrese ntation of the Winning Papers 7th June 2011\n\n\nContact Details: DTEND:20110331T225200 DTSTAMP:20230627T082739Z DTSTART:20110304T235200 LOCATION:Engineers Ireland Headquarters\, 22 Clyde Road\, Ballsbridge\, Dub lin 4\, Dublin\, D04 R3N2\, Ireland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Young Engineers Paper Prize Competition UID:476ff347-48d7-471f-b55c-fe68882e6fc6 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR