开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Medium Scale Wind Turbines\n\nEvent Type: Tech nical Lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Renewable energy\n\nSpeak Details: Befor e working with ThermoKing Dr. Basil Regan completed a PhD in Numerical Aer oacoustics at NUIG. His previous career has included positions with the Ae rospace Research Centre in Galway where he worked on a project to develop techniques targeting noise reduction in turbofan engines\, and he has als \n\nDescription : The talk will give an engineering overview of the C&F Gr een Energy\, a small to medium range wind turbine which are designed and m anufactured in Ireland in Galway. \n\nC&F Green Energy was established in 2006 and is part of the C&F group headquartered in Galway with 6 locations worldwide. The C&F Group recognised the need to provide a more powerful w ind energy solution for the home\, farm and business owner. With its exper ience in the manufacturing area\, C&F set about designing an innovative wi nd turbine that would combine unrivalled performance and power with clean aesthetics and reliability. The company created an innovative range of med ium-sized turbines that incorporate the same advanced technologies that ar e used in Mega-Watt sized machines and that harness the company's expertis e in manufacturing and design and its global reach. \n\n\nContact Details: DTEND:20110329T200000 DTSTAMP:20230820T091811Z DTSTART:20110329T183000 LOCATION:Engineers Ireland Headquarters\, 22 Clyde Road\, Ballsbridge\, Dub lin 4\, Dublin\, D04 R3N2\, Ireland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Medium Scale Wind Turbines UID:c313a188-fc58-407d-893c-017fe73e486b END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR