开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Presentation: The Micycle\n\nEvent Type: Techn ical Lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Automobile\n\nSpeak Details: Andrew Kadis \, DSTO\nDavid Caldecott\, GPA Engineering\n\nTeam Members of the Micycle Project\n\nDescription : The University of Adelaide - Engineers Australia - Asset Management Council\nPresentation: The Micycle\n \;\nIn Februar y 2010\, a group of Honours students from the University of Adelaide began a project to design and build a self-balancing electric unicycle. The des ign encompassed elements of a unicycle\, bicycle and Segway™\, which came to be known as the Micycle. This presentation will tell the full story beh ind the Micycle from the conceptual design stage to the complete system. T he mechanical steering system\, a key feature of the design\, will be disc ussed\, along with the development and implementation of the control syste m. \nPlease see the \;attachment for a map showing the lecture room lo cation.\nRSVP: Michael Evans of IEEE - michael.evans@ieee.org\n\n\nContact Details: Michael Riese\nAddress: Australia. DTEND:20111110T200000 DTSTAMP:20231031T061837Z DTSTART:20111110T180000 LOCATION:Engineering South\, Building S111 \, The University of Adelaide\, 17th floor (access via Ground Floor DNI compulsory)\, Adelaide\, 5000\, A ustralia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Presentation: The Micycle UID:a41c5024-81a8-42aa-862b-d13d7f870618 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR