开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Derby Summer Lecture 2011\n\nEvent Type: Techn ical Lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Railway\n\nSpeak Details: Chris Wright fr om Interfleet\nNicolas Vecchione of Network Rail\nAndrew Burchell on behal f of Eversholt Rail\n\nDescription : The Derby Summer Technical Lecture ho sted by the Young Members Railway Division was held on the 22nd June at th e Derby Conference Centre. The interesting event attracted 30 people of wh ich 20 were young members who networked over refreshments\, listened to th ree speakers and then partook in a question and answer session. \;&nbs p\; Chris Wright from Interfleet kicked the evening off with his presentat ion titled ‘Guru – Removing the Blindfold’. He spoke about the immediate a nd extended benefits of condition monitoring and condition based maintenan ce which are numerous with increased operational efficiency\, increased re liability and decreases in cost due to energy savings and reduced maintena nce. He focussed on how different data can be combined with experience to give useful information to users at all levels of the industry.\nNicolas V ecchione gave us the point of view of the infrastructure by talking us thr ough Network Rail’s use of condition monitoring to manage the maintenance on the 21\,000 sets of points they look after. He detailed some of the dif ferent indications that could be monitored remotely and what this correspo nded to. He then explained the multivariate statistical processes used to reduce the number of false positives and false negatives by considering se veral variables simultaneously and maximise the returns. \; \; Fin ally\, Andrew Burchell spoke on behalf of Eversholt Rail’s TAPAS system an d how it has been used to improve the reliability of Southern’s Class 455 fleet. This detailed everything from the OTMR and WiFi hardware used to th e various engineering and non-engineering applications such as operational failures\, incipient failures and performance management. He had several case studies which showed different TAPAS outputs and the conclusions that arose from them. \; \; The lectures were followed by a lively for ty minute question and answer session involving all three of the speakers. Participants were very interested to find out much more information than had been in the presentations and the speakers were happy to oblige. \ ; \;The evening successfully showed the benefits of condition monitori ng in several different fields and the benefits it can have to many differ ent areas of the railway infrastructure resulting in increased reliability and decreased running costs.\n \;\n\nContact Details: DTEND:20110622T210000 DTSTAMP:20230820T082255Z DTSTART:20110622T190000 LOCATION:Derby Conference Centre\, London Road\, Derby\, DE24 8UX\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Derby Summer Lecture 2011 UID:e81b33c1-9e3c-4524-b2dd-5d617bc42592 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR