开始:日历方式:发布开始:活动描述:触手可及的活动-秋季技术访问-亲手传承活动类型:技术访问行业:铁路行业详细信息:铁路行业描述:2011年,铁路部门青年成员委员会决定在日历中引入一个与众不同的活动。这是以“遗产之手”的形式出现的。目的是让年轻成员走出教室,走上轨道,让他们真正动手工作,获得真正的铁路体验。本次活动由热情好客的肯特和东苏塞克斯铁路公司(kesr)在距离肯特郡阿什福德不远的地方举办,代表们有机会参与到广泛的实践经验中。有关K&\;ESR的详情,请访问他们的网站\n代表们于周二下午抵达,听取了K&\;ESR总经理格雷厄姆·鲍德温的演讲。格雷厄姆首先解释了该地区铁路行业的根源,肯特和东苏塞克斯铁路的简短历史及其运作方式,以及铁路爱好者和志愿者如何以他们的慷慨使这个慈善组织得以生存。在星期三的早餐后,一些代表开始了实际任务,而另一些代表则开始了驾驶体验。学校提供了各种各样的活动,一位代表这样描述她的经历:“我的第一份工作让我很为难,老师教我更换蒸汽机车上的轮对。在某些情况下,有很多K&\;ESR的工作人员愿意帮助我,我接受了一对一的教学。我学会了:\ n \ nReplace轮设置在蒸汽机车\ nTight配件一个引擎准备工作\ nSki会紧接头的角磨\刑警焊接(快速维修)\ nB ack工作充满糖果\的超大号的午餐后,我跟着ent技术员和不同学习:\ n \ nAxlebox装配到轴(使用和le磨早上)学到的技能\ nIn晚上\,我们indulg埃德在k \主持的一场盛宴,ESR,后跟一个应得的休息。第二天早上,活动互换了。我的小组被教如何控制蒸汽火车头并驾驶它。 With two on board at any one time\, one for shovelling the coal and the other in char ge of controlling the steam regulator valves and brakes\, the pair rode up and down the track learning the ropes. In order to gauge distance\, and s imply to look where they were going\, one of the two would have to lean an d peer out the side of the loco and act as a driver. They then practiced ' buffering' which is similar to driving bumper cars\, except the aim is to get as close to a coach as gently as possible for easy mechanical coupling . \nThe rest of the afternoon was spent at the signal box\, learning how t o operate the various levers.\nThe day finished around tea time\, we were very tired but satisfied with what we have achieved in the couple days.\nI n conclusion\, this event was very good value for money experience and a r eal hands on experience where I learnt all sorts of practical railway \;skills. The IMechE Young Members’ attempts to introduce a novel event we re very successfully received'.\nTo register for updates about Railway Div ision Young Member events email Emma Fox at e_fox@imeche.org \n\nContact D etails: DTEND:20111020T170000 DTSTAMP:20230604T044836Z DTSTART:20111018T090000 LOCATION:Kent and East Sussex Railway\, Tenterden Town Station\, Station R oad\, Tenterden\, Kent\, TH30 6HE\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Autumn Technical Visit - Hands on Heritage UID:35fb26e6-a6f4-42bd-a9ae-d819ca44545a END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR