开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Renault Trucks site visit\n\nEvent Type: Techn ical Visit\n\nIndustry Sector: Automobile\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescriptio n : Join us for a visit to the Renault Trucks Engine Production Plant at V enissieux\, near Lyon. This site\, which has seen production of truck engi nes since 1915\, is now part of the Volvo Group. You will be able to see o ne of the most modern production lines in Europe and find out more about e ngine design.The site visit should last \;about 3 hours. After the vis it you will have an \;opportunity to chat to Groupe Franc committee&nb sp\;members informally to find out more about how the \;IMechE support s overseas members.Registration is required for this event please use the& nbsp\;contact details below to book a place.\n\nContact Details: Peter CHA DWICK\, CEng FIMechE PMP\nAddress: France. DTEND:20120405T180000 DTSTAMP:20230820T034938Z DTSTART:20120405T143000 LOCATION:Renault Trucks\, Porte A \, 402\, avenue Ch. De Gaulle\, 69635 Vé nissieux\, France SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Renault Trucks site visit UID:8cfb1e0b-bcaa-4c66-bea4-5e0da70bf21e END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR