开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - QLD Panel AGM\n\nEvent Type: AGM\n\nIndustry S ector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: Leslie Yeow - Queensland Panel Chair \n\nDescription : I wish to advise all members that our Queensland Panel A nnual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday\, 20th February 2013 in lo unge area at Berkleys on Ann - Rendezvous Hotel Brisbane (Anzac Square). P lease find details of the agenda and Nomination Form here.\nMain purpose o f the meeting is to receive nominations and to appoint office bearers and committee members for 2013. Positions include: \nPanel Chairman\, \nSecret ary\, \nTreasurer\, \nand Committee Member. \nNominations are now being ca lled for all positions and I urge you to consider active involvement on th e Panel. Participation from our younger members is encouraged.\nOne of the major benefits of participation is networking. You will have the opportun ity to meet interesting people from a diverse spectrum but with a shared p assion for Engineering and contribute to the ongoing success of the Queens land Mechanicals. I am sure that you will enjoy and reap the benefits by a ctively participating and contributing to the profession. What you contrib ute to the profession and to the Institution is what you receive in return . I can assure you that it is rewarding and I ask that you seriously consi der involvement at the local Queensland level.\nIn order to encourage grea ter involvement from our young members\, an initiative which has been inst igated in the Australasian Region is the &ldquo\;Speak out for Engineering (SOFE)&rdquo\; competition. Queensland held its first competition in 2009 and has now become an annual event. Successful contenders receive signifi cant prize money and recognition at Panel\, Branch and Regional levels. In addition this initiative provides young members with a forum in which to raise their profile and meet other young members. We would be delighted to welcome as many young members as possible to our AGM where we can further explain these activities and other initiatives we are planning for the co ming year.\nThe current committee will meet at 5.30pm\, just before the AG M. Those who are interested\, I know some of you have already expressed yo ur interest\, please feel free to join us at 5.30pm. Please contact either myself (07 3664 6632) or the Panel Secretary\, Simon Clarkin (0432 026 96 2) for further details\, if you have any queries regarding the procedures or activities.\nI look forward to your participation on 20th February 2013 and the Branch AGM on the 2nd March. \n\nContact Details: Leslie Yeow\nAd dress: Brisbane\, Queensland\, 4152\, Australia. DTEND:20130220T190000 DTSTAMP:20231024T131116Z DTSTART:20130220T180000 LOCATION:Rendevous Hotel Brisbane\, Rendevous Hotel Brisbane (Anzac Square) \, 255 Ann Street\, Brisbane\, 4000\, Australia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:QLD Panel AGM UID:3a24a1cf-ad96-402e-943a-1e9d7ff43131 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR