开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Carbon Capture and Storage\n\nEvent Type: Tech nical Lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Renewable energy\n\nSpeak Details: Dr Ki rsten Foy graduated from Mechanical Engineering at DIT in 2008 with a PhD in Carbon Capture Technology. She is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer with eight years of experience in both research and application of Carbon Capt ure and Storage (CCS) technologies.\n\n\nDescription : Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) involves capturing\, compressing and permanently storing car bon dioxide produced by burning fuel. \; This allows humankind to cont inue using existing infrastructure and fuel\, without contributing to clim ate change. \; The presentation will cover types of CCS technologies\, current challenges and problems for industry\, CCS law and costs. \; The CCS industry is expected to grow in the future. Kirsten will outline s pecialist knowledge of carbon capture technologies\, commercial aspects of CCS\, state of the art of CCS\, application of CCS to power plant\, and p olicy and regulation of CCS in the EU and UK. The transportation and stora ge of carbon dioxide and application of CCS for industrial processes will also be covered.\n\nParsons Brinckerhoff is a global consulting firm assis ting public and private clients to plan\, develop\, design\, construct\, o perate and maintain thousands of critical infrastructure projects around t he world. Founded in New York City in 1885\, Parsons Brinckerhoff is a div erse company of 14\,000 people in more than 150 offices on five continents providing a strong commitment to technical excellence\, a diverse workfor ce\, and service to our clients.\nThis event is co sponsored by Dublin Ene rgy Lab\, DIT and \nParsons Brinckerhoff\n\n\nContact Details: David Kenne dy\nTelephone: +353 1 4023846 \nAddress: DIT\, Bolton St\, Dublin 1\, 0000 \, Ireland. DTEND:20130227T200000 DTSTAMP:20230627T081442Z DTSTART:20130227T173000 LOCATION:Room 281\, DIT \, Bolton Street\, Dublin 1\, Ireland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Carbon Capture and Storage UID:5392da09-5259-4d5f-8878-bbf5f8b00a7f END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR