开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - SA JTP Visit - Techport Australia - CUF\n\nEve nt Type: Technical Visit\n\nIndustry Sector: Defence\n\nSpeak Details: \n\ nDescription : The South Australian panel as part of the JTP program are o rganising a technical visit to Techport Australia "Australia's premier nav al industry hub".\nThe Common User Facility is a national strategic asset owned and operated by the Government of South Australia. The facility is s pread over eight hectares at the heart of Techport Australia\, and will pl ay a key role in assisting ASC to build the state-of-the-art Air Warfare D estroyers (AWDs). It will also support the delivery of future naval projec ts such as assembly of the next generation of submarines.\nThe Common User Facility provides flexible access to a range of companies\, contractors a nd sub-contractors and a range of projects in addition to the AWD project. It is also capable of supporting multiple projects concurrently.\nRegistr ation: Michael Evans on \nmichael.evans@internode.on.net\nby 18:00 on Sund ay 31 Mar 2013\n\nThe group size for this visit is strictly limited to 20 attendees.\nAttendees who are not Australian Citizens need to indicate nat ionality and date of birth\, and will require their passport on the day.\n When you register for the visit\, please provide your membership number if you are a member of one the sponsor organizations for this event. Registr ants will be contacted prior to the event to confirm attendance.\nFor thos e attending\, long sleeve shirts and long trousers as well as closed-toe\, flat shoes are mandatory\nFLYER\n\nContact Details: Michael Evans\nAddres s: Adelaide\, Australia.\n\n Alternative Contact: Stan Gafney\nAddress: Ad elaide\, Australia. DTEND:20130409T170000 DTSTAMP:20231028T182842Z DTSTART:20130409T144500 LOCATION:Techport Australia - CUF (SA)\, Techport Australia - Common User F acility (CUF)\, CUF Admin Office\, 61 Veitch Road\, Osbourne\, Australia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:SA JTP Visit - Techport Australia - CUF UID:d105bb7b-e529-4183-b29f-899596649d5b END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR