开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Faster further quieter lighter\n\nEvent Type: Technical Visit\n\nIndustry Sector: Aerospace Industries\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : \nThe Marenco Swisshelicopter Company was founded in 20 07 to develop a new concept of light turbine helicopter\, designed here in Switzerland. The result\, the SKYe SH09\, has a fully composite fuselage and a bearing-free 5-blade rotor.\nJoin the IMechE&rsquo\;s Switzerland Gr oup at Mollis airfield to discover how work is progressing on this state-o f-the art helicopter\, including viewing of the SKYe SH09 mock-up\, protot ype and testing area.\nDownload the poster here and pass it on to your fri ends!\n\nContact Details: DTEND:20130823T170000 DTSTAMP:20230901T142830Z DTSTART:20130823T143000 LOCATION:Linth Air Service\, Flugplatz\, Mollis\, 8753\, Switzerland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Faster further quieter lighter UID:1b21f916-5ced-4949-85bd-8050617a578d END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR