开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - University of Houston student design projects presentations\n\nEvent Type: Technical Lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-s ector\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : \n\nFour different project teams \, 2 undergraduates and 2 graduates\, from the University of Houston Colle ge of Technology will present their senior design projects to the IMechE T exas Group. \; There will also be a chance to meet and socialise with the students and other members beforehand. \;\nExample of the projects are: \nHydrosteam \;&ndash\; an undergraduate team\, planning to repl ace gasoline injection and produce hydrogen energy through electrolysis to fuel an automotive combustion engine. \; \n\n\n\n\nKilowatt &ndash\; a team of undergraduates that will design\, build\, \;and test a Stirl ing engine that will generate 2.5 kW of electricity fuelled by propane.\n\ n\n\n\nMembers and non-members welcome \;\nLight refreshments will be served\n\nIMechE Flyer_UH Design Projects Presentation\n\n\n\nContact Deta ils: Binder Singh\nTelephone: 281 249 1555\nAddress: USA.\n\n Alternative Contact: Richard Clayton\nTelephone: 713-582-6629\nAddress: USA. DTEND:20131016T200000 DTSTAMP:20231031T074311Z DTSTART:20131016T180000 LOCATION:University of Houston Northwest Campus\, Lone Star College Park\, Building 12\, Room B12.446 (Building 12\, 4th floor)\, 20515 SH249 (SH 249 and Louetta Road)\, Houston\, 77070\, USA SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:University of Houston student design projects presentations UID:c02c4d86-ab03-44cb-bd90-5c6f4dd6ae1e END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR