开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - 2013 Festive Dinner and Lecture - Nanotechnolo gy [VIDEO]\n\nEvent Type: Annual Dinner\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n \nSpeak Details: Dr. Harry Ruda - Director of the Centre for Advanced Nano technology\, University of Toronto\n\nDescription : Nanotechnology: \ ;The Next Big Thing is Really Small!\n\nA selected view of nanotechnology is offered\, looking at what it is\, and what we might expect ahead.\n\nCl ick for more details: \;2013 Nov 29 IMechE-CCB Dr Harry Ruda flyer\n \nThis lecture was recorded. \; See the video here:\n\n\n\nContact Det ails: Peter Dennis\nAddress: Canada. DTEND:20131129T230000 DTSTAMP:20230820T034839Z DTSTART:20131129T180000 LOCATION:Novotel Toronto North York\, 3 Park Home Avenue\, North York\, Ont ario\, M2N 6L3\, Canada SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:2013 Festive Dinner and Lecture - Nanotechnology [VIDEO] UID:63f6ec97-c4a8-4f9d-ac43-1090f2272238 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR