开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - 2012 Festive Dinner and Lecture - Mechanical H eart [VIDEO]\n\nEvent Type: Annual Dinner\n\nIndustry Sector: Biomedical e ngineering\n\nSpeak Details: Vivek Rao\, MD\, PhD\, FRCS (C)\, Chief of Ca rdiovascular Surgery\, Munk Professor in Advanced Cardiac Therapeutics\, P eter Munk Cardiac Centre\, Toronto General Hospital\, University of Toront o\n\nDescription : The Mechanical Heart: Clinical Reality or Science-Ficti on?\n\nDespite improvements in almost every facet of cardiovascular diseas e\, the prevalence of congestive heart failure\ncontinues to rise. Traditi onally\, the only option for the management of end-stage heart disease was cardiac\ntransplantation. In order to support potential candidates until a suitable donor organ can be found\, various technologies\nhave been intr oduced and the field of &ldquo\;mechanical circulatory support&rdquo\; has blossomed. The early versions of the\n&ldquo\;mechanical heart&rdquo\; we re designed to support patients for days to weeks and necessitated large\, morbid operations.\n\nAdvances in engineering\, biocompatible interfaces and battery technology has resulted in the widespread use of a\nvariety of approved devices both as a bridge to cardiac transplantation as well as & ldquo\;destination&rdquo\; or permanent therapy\nfor non-transplant candid ates. The number of Canadian medical centers providing long term mechanica l circulatory\nsupport has significantly increased in the past 5 years. Th e introduction of &ldquo\;next generation&rdquo\; devices brings the promi se\nof smaller surgery\, better outcomes and longer durability. We anticip ate that these devices will offer upwards of 5 years\nof good quality life in end-stage heart failure patients\, many of whom face a median survival measured in months. In\nCanada\, mechanical circulatory support has bloss omed in the past 5 years. We anticipate that newer technology\,\nincreased experience and importantly\, sustainable funding\, will allow this therap y to be offered to all Canadians in need.\n\nClick for more details: \ ;2012 Nov 23 IMechE-CCB Dr. Vivek Rao flyer\n\nThis lecture was recorded.& nbsp\; See the video here:\n\n\n\nContact Details: Peter Dennis\nAddress: Canada. DTEND:20121123T230000 DTSTAMP:20230820T034903Z DTSTART:20121123T180000 LOCATION:Novotel Toronto North York\, 3 Park Home Avenue\, North York\, Ont ario\, M2N 6L3\, Canada SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:2012 Festive Dinner and Lecture - Mechanical Heart [VIDEO] UID:25fad5a2-8ed7-4a7c-9da2-a8f17572683e END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR