开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - 2013 March 19 Technical Presentation - Rehabil itation\n\nEvent Type: Technical Visit\n\nIndustry Sector: Biomedical engi neering\n\nSpeak Details: Dr. Geoff Fernie\n\nDescription : Revolutionizin g Rehabilitation - Maximizing Life!\n\nOne of North America&rsquo\;s leadi ng rehabilitation sciences centres\, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute is&n bsp\;revolutionizing rehabilitation by helping people overcome the challen ges of disabling injury\, illness or age \;related health conditions t o live active\, healthier\, more independent lives. It integrates innovati ve patient \;care\, groundbreaking research and diverse education to b uild healthier communities and advance the role of \;rehabilitation in the health system. Toronto Rehab\, along with Toronto Western\, Toronto G eneral and \;Princess Margaret Hospitals\, is a member of the Universi ty Health Network and affiliated with the University \;of Toronto. &nb sp\;Our research is all about maximizing life for people living with the e ffects of disability\, illness and \;aging.\n\nWe are also preventing injury by making streets\, homes and workplaces safer\, and heading off il lness before it \;happens. We are home to one of world&rsquo\;s most t echnologically advanced rehabilitation research \;environments. The iD APT Centre for Rehabilitation Research is a network of research facilities that will truly \;transform rehabilitation science. This lecture incl udes a Walk &lsquo\;n&rsquo\; Talk tour of the iDAPT lab facilities.\n\nCl ick for more details: \;2013 Mar 19 IMechE-CCB Dr. Geoff Fernie\n\nCon tact Details: Tony Hamilton\nAddress: Canada. DTEND:20130319T210000 DTSTAMP:20230820T034920Z DTSTART:20130319T183000 LOCATION:Toronto Rehabilitation Institute\, 550 University Avenue\, Auditor ium on 2nd floor\, Toronto\, M5G 2A2\, Canada SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:2013 March 19 Technical Presentation - Rehabilitation UID:8be7f136-e142-4075-90e7-85bb09b110de END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR