开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - 2014 Formula North\n\nEvent Type: Schools/Coll eges/University Events\n\nIndustry Sector: Automobile\n\nSpeak Details: \n \nDescription : Formula North is a Canadian Formula Student-style competit ion. The purpose of the competition is to promote the awareness of practic al engineering experience and student innovation through creating a compet itive Canadian platform for Canadian and International teams alike.\nTeams take on the assumption that they are a manufacturer developing a prototyp e to be evaluated for production and a group of developers are interested in investing in their project. The intended sales market is the non-profes sional weekend autocrosser. Therefore\, the car must have very high perfor mance in terms of its acceleration\, braking and handling qualities. The c ar must be low in cost\, easy to maintain and reliable. In addition\, the car&rsquo\;s marketability is enhanced by other factors such as aesthetics \, comfort and use of common parts. In short\, would you\, the weekend aut ocrosser\, be interested in purchasing one of these vehicles?\nThe challen ge to the design team is to design and fabricate a prototype that best mee ts these goals and intents. Over the course of a four day competition\, a jury of experts from the motorsport\, automotive and supplier industries j udge the design\, cost and business planning of all the teams to determine the best team and vehicle\; in addition the team&rsquo\;s on-track perfor mance scores will demonstrate how well they hold up under real life condit ions.\n\nContact Details: Phil Apperly\nAddress: Canada. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20140525 DTSTAMP:20230820T074345Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20140522 LOCATION:Barrie Molson Center\, 555 Bayview Drive\, Barrie\, Ontario\, L4N 8Y2\, Canada SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:2014 Formula North UID:4ab35534-91cf-4255-b178-44f21fdad935 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR