开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - 2012 February 21 - Technical Presentation: Th e Illuminated Plant Cell [VIDEO]\n\nEvent Type: Technical Lecture\n\nIndus try Sector: Biomedical engineering\n\nSpeak Details: Dr. Jaideep Mathur\, Associate Professor at the Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology\, Un iversity of Guelph. \n\nDescription : Learning to Adapt: \; The Illumi nated Plant Cell\n\nThe earth is home to animals and plants. Everyday both kinds of organisms are subjected to the same environmental stresses. Wher eas animals are able to move away to less stressful locations plants are & lsquo\;rooted&rsquo\; and have to deal with the stress as and when it occu rs. Nonetheless\, it is clear that despite their inability to move\, plant s leave the animals far behind when it comes to survival. Recent advances in Molecular-Cell Biology and the imaging of living cells through the use of diverse\, colourful\, fluorescent protein tags have started providing f resh insights into the internal workings of plant cells. The lecture will present succinct examples of how fluorescent proteins obtained from divers e marine organisms have been used to increase our understanding of plants specifically and of living organisms in general.\n\nClick for more details : \; 2012 Feb 21 IMechE-CCB Dr. Jaideep Mathur\n\nThis event was recor ded. \; Watch the video here:\n\n\n\nContact Details: Tony Hamilton\nA ddress: Canada. DTEND:20120221T220000 DTSTAMP:20230820T074353Z DTSTART:20120221T180000 LOCATION:Kinectrics Facility\, 800 Kipling Avenue\, Toronto\, M8Z 6C4\, Can ada SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:2012 February 21 - Technical Presentation: The Illuminated Plant C ell [VIDEO] UID:a2a0a057-a2ee-4c51-bb1c-5f703d7bd2a3 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR