开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Texas Branch Evening Talk: Engineering Risk an d the Law\n\nEvent Type: Technical Lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-secto r\n\nSpeak Details: Benjamin Escobar is a Partner in the law firm of Beirn e\, Maynard & Parsons\, LLP\, where his practice focuses on the litigation and trial of personal injury\, energy and chemical\, commercial and const ruction disputes involving technical issues. \n\nDescription : The IMechE Texas branch will be hosting an evening talk on the role of expert witnes ses in lawsuits\, arbitrations or other formal legal proceedings\, particu larly in technical engineering cases where expert testimony is critical.&n bsp\; The presentation will be given by a prominent attorney who has tried such cases for many years\, and will focus on how expert testimony of the opposing party is analyzed\, reviewed and\, where appropriate\, critiqued \, through cross examination or otherwise. \n\n\n \nQuestions and open dis cussion will be encouraged and light refreshments will be served. \; F or more information\, please see the attached flyer. \n\n\n \n \nThe talk will be held at the offices of Technip-Genesis\, starting at 6:30PM on Nov ember 20th 2013.\n\n\n \n \n \nPlease follow signs to visitor parking at K irkwood Road entrance\, Technip Energy Tower 1. \; The presentation wi ll be held on the ground floor of the building\, and will be signposted in side the building. \; Please note\, attendees should plan to arrive af ter 6pm to avoid exiting traffic\, with a finish time planned around 8PM.& nbsp\; \n \n \;\n \n\nContact Details: Binder Singh\nTelephone: 281 24 9 1555\nAddress: USA.\n\n Alternative Contact: Richard Clayton\nTelephone: 713-582-6629\nAddress: USA. DTEND:20131120T200000 DTSTAMP:20231028T105602Z DTSTART:20131120T183000 LOCATION:Technip\, Energy Tower 1\, 11700 Katy Freeway\, Suite 150\, Housto n\, 77079\, USA SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Texas Branch Evening Talk: Engineering Risk and the Law UID:c2c8668d-c2d7-4acf-8115-1e999dc8d5e9 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR