开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Introduction to equipment for engineers – pipe fittings\n\nEvent Type: Technical Lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Process Ind ustries\n\nSpeak Details: Presented by Stuart Montgomery\, AVK UK\nVenue: AVK Syddal Dunkirk Lane\, Hyde\, Manchester\, Cheshire SK14 4PL\, England UK\nTime: Complimentary refreshments will be served from 18:00hrs\, lectur e and tour will start at 18:30hrs\n\n\nDescription : \nAVK \;Syddal pr ovides the Water\, Gas and Waste Water Utility sectors with a complete ran ge of pipe work fittings from bespoke fabrications to simple repair clamps \, through a variety of flexible service offers ranging from products supp lied for emergencies in a matter of hours to programmed supply for major c apital projects.\n\nOur modern dedicated manufacturing facility near Manch ester in the UK\, has a full team of skilled personnel from CAD designers to welder/platers all of whom are dedicated to providing quality products to the customers requirements \;in line with our \;Expect... AVK& nbsp\;initiative. \;\nCome and join the IMechE and AVK for a factory t our of the facilities. \;\nWhether you are a graduate who wants to see a component or piece of equipment in practice or are an experienced engin eer who wants a refresher\, or you have a burning question that you haven& rsquo\;t been able to get an answer to hopefully this series of events wil l be of use to you! \;\nComplimentary refreshments will be served from 18:00hrs\, lecture and tour will start at 18:30hrs\n\n\nTo book a place\, please contact:\nPamela Moore on Email: \;moorepam80@gmail.com\nREVIE W CAN BE DOWNLOADED HERE\n\nCome and join the IMechE and AVK for a factory tour of the facilities.\n\n\n\nBackground\nEver wondered how a pump actua lly works or what to consider when planning one into a design? Or wondered what different types of valves are out there and wanted to ask an expert how to install them so they work most efficiently? Or what the inside of a bearing actually looks like and how to choose the most appropriate one fo r the job?\nThe IMechE Process Division and the Young Members Panels in th e North West are launching a new series of events for engineers of all age s and experience where you can find out a bit more about more about equipm ent that we as engineers come into contact with. \; \; \;\nWhe ther you are a graduate who wants to see a component or piece of equipment in practice or are an experienced engineer who wants a refresher\, or you have a burning question that you haven&rsquo\;t been able to get an answe r too hopefully this series of events will be of use to you!\n\nContact De tails: Pamela Moore\n\n Alternative Contact: Taz Khatun\nTelephone: +44(0) 207 973 1306\nFax: +44(0) 207 222 9881\nAddress: 1 Birdcage Walk\, London \, SW1H 9JJ\, United Kingdom. DTEND:20140213T194500 DTSTAMP:20230211T002738Z DTSTART:20140213T180000 LOCATION:AVK Syddal\, AVK Syddal\, Dunkirk Lane\, Hyde\, Manchester\, SK14 4PL\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Introduction to equipment for engineers – pipe fittings UID:9f449e50-305a-480b-b3d6-c52a41bb8ebf END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR