开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Athens International Airport Air Traffic Contr ol\n\nEvent Type: Technical Visit\n\nIndustry Sector: Airworthiness\n\nSpe ak Details: \n\nDescription : We would like to\ninvite you to join us to v isit the Athens International Airport Air\nTraffic Control tower. A demons tration of the control operations will\ntake place. The visit will be held on 28/02 at 10.30 and will last no\nmore than 2 hours. The number of plac es is limited to 30\, so if you\nwould like to participate please let us k now as soon as possible.\nThe entrance to the tower will be done through G ate 8 of the airport\nfacilities (please note that the Gate does not refer to terminal Gates\nwhich serve airline passengers). Gate 8 also serves th e building 32 of\nthe airport and there is a bus stop for the just next to it. You could\nreach the site by public or private means. The bus stop is named &ldquo\;PYLI\n8&rdquo\; and is the penultimate stop of lines X93\, X95\, X96\, X97 which connect\nthe airport with the city of Athens. It wou ld be helpful if you could\narrive a little earlier so that we can keep wi th the schedule. For your\nconvenience\, you may find the place shown on a map in the picture below.\n\nIn order to gain access to the tower facilit ies\, you should let us know\nyour ID numbers and hold handed your IDs on the day of the visit.\nFurthermore\, in case you arrive by car send us you r license plate\nnumber.\n\nReserve your place by emailing to greecesec@im echenetwork.org mentioning your name\, card ID number and if you arrive th ere by car\, your car&rsquo\;s licence plate number by 20th February.\n\n\ n201402_ATC_visit_poster\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nContact Details: Dr Theodoros Pa ppas CEng MIMechE\nAddress: Greece.\n\n Alternative Contact: Charalambos A nthimos Schoinochoritis\nAddress: Greece. DTEND:20140228T123000 DTSTAMP:20230819T184318Z DTSTART:20140228T103000 LOCATION:Athens International Airport\, Athens International Airport\, Spat a\, 19019\, Greece SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Athens International Airport Air Traffic Control UID:bba913b1-9d3b-449f-a41f-a1bb687b172b END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR