开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - The challenge of non-PSSR pipework\n\nEvent Ty pe: Technical Lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Process Industries\n\nSpeak Deta ils: Presentation by John D Miles of Sellafield Ltd.\n\n\nDescription : Bo ok now \n\nPresentation by John D Miles of Sellafield Ltd\nIn a process pl ant\, the danger from pressurised vessels and pipework is managed by the P ressurised Systems and Safety Regulations\, which specifies the duties of the &lsquo\;competent person&rsquo\; with regards to the required inspecti on and maintenance. \; However\, most process plant have vessels and p ipework that do not pose a danger due to pressurisation\, but may pose a d anger to safety and the environment due to the contents. \; The requir ements for these components may be covered by other legislation such as CO MAH\, but the regulations are not as specific as the requirements in PSSR. \nThis presentation describes the strategy adopted on a large complex proc ess plant to ensure that the risk posed by non PSSR pipework is correctly managed\, together with the commercial implications of supply failure.&nbs p\; While the presentation deals with a large complex plant\, the same str ategy can be applied to small low hazard plants. \nAgenda: \n18:15 &ndash\ ; Arrive and refreshments\n18:30 &ndash\; Presentation of a high profile S TFC project (3D accelerator flythrough)\n19:00 &ndash\; North West Centre candidates make presentations of their papers (towards the ProID&rsquo\;s national &lsquo\;Viscount Weir&rsquo\; Prize).\n19:30 - 'The challenge of non-PSSR pipework' by John D Miles of Sellafield Ltd.\nREGISTRATION\nThe p resentation is open to all\, but it would be appreciated if those wishing to attend would register with \; johnbartlett1947@hotmail.com \;\ nEvent Sponsors: \nSTFC Daresbury Laboratory &\; DATS CAD Services\nEVE NT REPORT\n\nContact Details: John Bartlett\nTelephone: (+44) 01925 810881 \nAddress: United Kingdom. DTEND:20140327T203000 DTSTAMP:20230820T092257Z DTSTART:20140327T181500 LOCATION:Science & Technology Facilities Council\, Daresbury Laboratory\, S ci-Tech Daresbury\, Daresbury\, Warrington \, WA4 4AD\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The challenge of non-PSSR pipework UID:df83cf99-db43-4489-8c05-c04899b7d765 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR