开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - 2014 April 26 - IET - Inspire your 'Why'\n\nEv ent Type: Soft Skills Presentation/Training Day\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross- sector\n\nSpeak Details: Gerry Visca is regarded internationally as Canada ’s Creative Coach. As an inspirational speaker\, award-winning creative di rector and author of over 10 books\, he has creatively inspired 100\,000 p eople across 12 countries.\n\nDescription : This event is organized by the IET Toronto Network - please visit http://www.theiet.org/events/local/196 325.cfm for full details\, costs and booking instructions\n\nGerry Visca i s an international\nbranding expert known for kick-starting creative strat egies that help\ninfuse a companies brand to reach new levels. Gerry inspi res\, informs\nand illuminates audiences\, to get creative with their bran d. He\nmotivates you to create your desired personal and business life.&nb sp\;\n\nGerry found Redchair Branding in 1999 and directed over 1\,000 br anding and creative marketing campaigns. \; He was recognized as a pre sentation guru helping companies win close to $2 Billion in competitive wi ns which became the genesis of his first book &ndash\; What Have You Got T o Win? As a serial entrepreneur Gerry also founded\, built and sold a web- based collaboration software in 2008 and went on to publish 4 more books\, Get Creative\, The Innovation Gap\, Kick Starters and THINQ. He has made numerous TV appearances including CBC Fortune Hunters and has been publish ed in over a dozen publications.\n\nRegarded as one of Canada&rsquo\;s top inspirational speakers having impacted over 100\,000 people across 10 cou ntries\, Gerry Visca IGNITES audiences with his high-energy\, high-octane approach and a strong intention to inspire delegates to take action\, live and breathe their WHY. He inspires corporations\, entrepreneurs and DEFYE NEURS with the BIG questions helping them define their deeper WHY - which he defines as The WORLD HELPED by YOU.\n\n\nProgram:\n\n\nMorning:\nPartic ipants travel to Muskoka Boat &\; Heritage Centre at Gravenhurst Wharf in Muskoka. \;Delegates may arrive early to visit the Boat Museum. It Opens at 10:00 AM\nNoon to 1:00PM: Networking over a Light Sandwich Lunch \n1:00 to 2:30 PM: The Main Event &ldquo\;Engineering Your Why&rdquo\; &nb sp\;Led by Gerry Visca\, Canada&rsquo\;s Creative Coach\n2:30 - 3:00 PM: C offee Break &\; Networking\n3:00 &ndash\; 4:00 PM: \;IET Toronto B usiness\, possibly led by VIP Speaker\n4:00 &ndash\; 5:00 PM: Delegates ar e free to visit the Heritage Boat Museum\, a very interesting marine engin eering history of the area\n\nContact Details: Peter Dennis\nAddress: Cana da. DTEND:20140426T170000 DTSTAMP:20230511T162603Z DTSTART:20140426T120000 LOCATION:Muskoka Boat and Heritage Centre\, 275 Steamship Bay Road\, Graven hurst\, Ontario\, P1P 1Z9\, Canada SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:2014 April 26 - IET - Inspire your 'Why' UID:7eae1db6-288e-443b-8426-07b081766796 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR