开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Electric Vehicles - Aligning Technical Deliver ables with Customer Expectation\n\nEvent Type: Technical Lecture\n\nIndust ry Sector: Automobile\n\nSpeak Details: Rod McLellan is a Chartered Engine er\, IMechE\, MSAE He has worked in Ford Motor Company\, General Motors (Terex) Scotland\, amongst others. He has lead teams within Tata Motors in the UK and India through low-cost virtual prototyping and product develop ment of a production Battery EV.\n\nDescription : \;\nThere is a gene ral consensus that man-made Green House Gas (GHG) production must be curta iled in order to reduce the risk of catastrophic global warming. \; Gl obally\, transport accounts for approximately 13% of GHG emissions\, and o f this some 70% is attributable to road transport. \n \nA focus on the int roduction of vehicles with zero tail pipe emissions\, which are manufactur ed by sustainable processes\, from sustainable materials\, and powered by sustainable energy sources\, has been politically driven and adopted by th e global automotive industry. \; \;Despite the apparent suitabili ty of electric vehicles\, and the apparent existence of &ldquo\;the will a nd the way&rdquo\;\, there is a resistance to the adoption of such vehicle s globally. \;Notable exceptions do exist in specific geographic area s where high levels of taxation and environmental social awareness\, suppo rted by an existing infrastructure\, have driven their acceptance. \n \nIn today&rsquo\;s automotive market sectors\, the alignment of technical del iverables with customer expectation is key to the successful adoption of a vehicle type. \; If compromise is required\, the customer will only d o so in secondary areas of expectation when offset by high positive gains in primary areas of expectation. \; An often accepted compromise betwe en ride comfort and vehicle high speed road-holding performance would be o ne example of this.\n In this talk\, historic factors which have driven ad vances in technical deliverables and changes in customer expectation withi n the automotive sector will be explored in the context of continuous impr ovement and step changes in technology. \; Given that Camille Jenatzy broke the land speed record in 1899 using an electric vehicle\, reasons fo r the current divergence between technical deliverables and customer expec tation in the area of electric vehicles will be explored\, and technical c onsiderations which will facilitate convergence will be highlighted based on personal experience and publicly available technology roadmaps.\n\nCont act Details: Robert Simpson\nAddress: Dublin 1\, Ireland.\n\n Alternative Contact: Paul Dillon\nAddress: Dept of Mechanical Engineering\, TU Dublin\ , \, Tallaght Campus\, Tallaght\, D24 FKT9\, Ireland. DTEND:20140506T200000 DTSTAMP:20230627T073136Z DTSTART:20140506T183000 LOCATION:Engineers Ireland Headquarters\, 22 Clyde Road\, Ballsbridge\, Dub lin 4\, Dublin\, D04 R3N2\, Ireland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Electric Vehicles - Aligning Technical Deliverables with Customer E xpectation UID:11a8f9a3-87ca-4a4e-9bdb-e6ba38a645c6 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR