开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Young Members Summer Day Out (Blaenavon’s He ritage Railway\, Big Pit\, Iron Works and Brewery)\n\nEvent Type: Social E vent\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : \n\n\nThe day will include\nvisits to the Heritage Railway\, Big Pit\, Iro n Works and Brewery.\n \;\nInitially the day\nwill start with a trip t o the Heritage\nRailway and include a return journey on a steam train. \n& nbsp\;\nWe will then move\nonto the Big Pit: National Coal Museum\,\nwhich will include a trip underground to see the original workings of the pit.\ nWe will stop for lunch while at Big Pit as well. \n \;\nThe Iron Work s will be the third visit of\nthe day\, which is where the BBC series Coal \nHouse was filmed. \; The site contains\nthe best preserved blast fur nace complex for its period. \n \;\nFinally we will visit\nthe Rhymney Brewery\, which has its\norigins in the South Wales Iron Industry and hav e a tour around the visitors\ncentre. \n \;\nIt will be a great\noppor tunity to visit these four great sites in one day\, while also meeting and \nsocialising with other Young Members in the South Wales Region.\n \; \nMeet in Blaenavon\nRailway Car Park at 10.00 am. Car Park is free. \n&nb sp\;\nIt should be noted that due to the sites being\nvisited\, there will be rough terrain and there will be walking involved not\nonly at the site but also between the sites. There is wheel chair access\navailable for Bi g Pit but this needs to be pre-booked before the day. \;\n\nThere are limited numbers for this\nevent due to the constraints of the tours and th e places will be given out on a\nfirst come first serve based. \n \;\n £\;5 to be paid once your place on the day has been confirmed. (You m ay\nneed to pay for parking at Big Pit on the day which is an additional & pound\;3)\n\n\nTo register for the\nevent\, please contact Kerry Tudor on the email address below with your IMechE\nmembership number. You will be c ontacted to confirm if you have secured a place\non event. \;\n\nConta ct Details: DTEND:20140628T173000 DTSTAMP:20230820T070004Z DTSTART:20140628T100000 LOCATION:Blaenavon’s Heritage Railway \, Blaenavon’s Heritage Railway \, Fu rnace Sidings\, Blaenavon\, NP4 9SF\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Young Members Summer Day Out (Blaenavon’s Heritage Railway\, Big Pit\, Iron Works and Brewery) UID:3328c24c-9301-48c2-ab39-5d34dce107a1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR