开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT描述:靠近你的事件-为工程比赛-巴斯H吃\n\nEvent类型:比赛事件\n\n行业部门:跨部门\n\n峰值细节:\n\n描述:\n2014将看到SOfE比赛在巴斯和布里斯托尔地区的复兴,现在两场热赛重新安排在11月底。年轻成员将有机会在11月25日晚在布里斯托尔航空航天工人协会(BAWA)或11月26日晚在巴斯皇家文学和科学研究所(BRLSI)发表演讲。*\这是一个很好的机会来发展你的演讲技巧\,并与那些来自工程专业\的网络,奖金可提供给该地区的获胜者和亚军。由于比赛将在该地区\举行两场预赛,当两场比赛都结束时,将通知冠军和亚军。\n*请注意,有关安排或有更改。所有参赛者将在预赛前得到最终安排通知。\n背景:\n这项比赛由英国机械工程师学会每年举办一次。万博manbetx网址当地志愿者组织。它最初成立于1964年,旨在挑战年轻的工程师,以证明他们能够有效地沟通,这仍然是发展工程师的一个重要领域。比赛为年轻的工程师提供了一个极好的机会来展示和发展他们的演讲技巧和公共演讲能力。区域预赛由当地委员会的专业人员组成的评审团进行评判,每个参赛作品将在赛后收到对其展示的反馈。\nSOfE 2014简介:\ n所有参赛者必须在2014年11月12日(周三)之前提交一份简报。然后,比赛组织者将对大纲进行评判,以便将其纳入比赛,然后选择参赛者参加合适的预赛。在两场预赛结束后,总冠军和亚军将得到通知。\nFo rmat of the event: \nEach competitor is given 20 minutes to present their chosen topic and then 10 minutes for questions and answers from the judgin g panel.\nJudging criteria:\n \;\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n JUDGES&rsquo\; MARKING SCHEME\n \n \n \n MAXIMUM MARKS\n \n \n \n \n PR ESENTATION\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Structure and content of presentation\ n \n \n \n 30\n \n \n \n \n Effective use of presentation material\n \n \n \n 1 5\n \n \n \n \n Quality of presentation m aterial\n \n \n \n 15\n \n \n \n \n Quality of preparation including handling of questions\n \n \n \n 20\n \n \ n \n \n P resentation style\n \n \n \n 10\n \n \n \n \n TECHNICAL CONTENT\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Complexi ty of technical content\n \n \n \n 10\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Total\n \n \n \n 100\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nPrizes:\nEvery participant will receive a certificate from the IMec hE in recognition of their participation\, whilst the IMechE Prizes and Aw ards Department will make available prize money of £\;300 to the area winner and £\;200 to the area runner up. The winner and runner up wi ll be notified once both area heats have been completed.\nHow to enter\nAt the bottom of this page are links to download the full SOfE entrant's pac k as well as the Bath and Bristol area poster and application form. If you wish to enter you must download\, complete and return the application for m\, along with a synopsis of your proposed presentation\, to the event org aniser on the email address given in the form. Please complete and return your application form as soon as possible\, and no later than Wednesday 12 th November 2014\, to enable your submission to be considered for a heat. Once you have returned your application form you will be contacted to conf irm receipt of your submission and will be notified directly of the event details if you are selected to participate in one of the area heats. \n201 4 SOfE Bath and Bristol Area Event Organiser:\nGiles Richardson\nCommittee Member\, Bath and Bristol Young Members Panel\nSend a message\nDocument L inks:\n\nSofE application poster \nSofE entrants pack\nImprovi ng the world through engineering\nDon't know whether you are a Young Membe r or not?\nA Young Member of the IMechE is someone who has not achieved co rporate membership status (Chartered\, Incorporated\, EngTech)\, or has be en so for less than 10 years.\n \;\n\n\n\nContact Details: Giles Ri chardson\nAddress: United Kingdom. DTEND:20141126T210000 DTSTAMP:20230322T002906Z DTSTART:20141126T180000 LOCATION:BRLSI\, 16 Queen Square\, Bath\, BA1 2HN\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Speak Out for Engineering Competition - Bath Heat UID:df549acd-210d-466d-90b2-5592afa4f44f END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR