开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - The Last British Airliner – BAe 146\, Joint Ev ent with the RAeS\n\nEvent Type: Talk\n\nIndustry Sector: Aerospace Indust ries\n\nSpeak Details: Richard Thomasson\n\nDescription : In 1978 British Aerospace\, Hawker Siddeley's\ncorporate successor re-launched a project o f a 70-seater regional airliner that\nwas cancelled in 1974. British Aeros pace marketed the aircraft as a quiet\,\nlow-consumption turbofan aircraft \, which would be effective at replacing the\nprevious generation of turbo prop-powered feeder aircraft. The first order for\nthe BAe 146 was placed by Lí\;neas Aé\;reas Privadas Argentinas in June 1981. Prior\n to the first flight\, British Aerospace had forecast that the smaller 146- 100\nwould significantly outsell the 146-200 variant\; however\, airlines had showed a\ngreat level of interest in the larger 146-200. \nClick \ ;here \;to download the event poster\, feel free to display at your pl ace of work.\n\nContact Details: DTEND:20150317T210000 DTSTAMP:20230321T220917Z DTSTART:20150317T190000 LOCATION:Safran Landing Systems - Gloucester\, Cheltenham Road East\, Glouc ester\, (Entrance off Down Hatherley Lane)\, GL2 9QH\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Last British Airliner – BAe 146\, Joint Event with the RAeS UID:a91b5fbf-5027-4ca6-97ff-6ebdc4bdae54 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR