开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Speak Out For Engineering: NSW Heat 2014\n\nEv ent Type: Competition Event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Deta ils: Young Engineers are given the opportunity to show and hone their comm unication skills.\nCash prizes with a chance to progress to National and R egional Finals.\nEntries are open - see attached poster!\nThe evening will be chaired by NSW Panel Chair Monika Sud.\n\nDescription : The competitio n is specifically concerned with verbal and visual communication in descri bing and explaining technical subjects. It is also designed to promote int erest in the art of communication.\nWhat do competitors have to do?\nCompe titors must give an oral presentation on a subject relating to mechanical engineering. The duration of the presentation must not exceed 20 minutes\, followed by 10 minutes for discussion and questions from a panel of judge s.\n\nWhat are competitors judged on?\n\n90% of the total marks are given for presentation with only 10% for technical content. This ensures that wh ile all presentations must have mechanical engineering content in its broa dest sense (purpose\, research\, design\, feasibility\, practicality)\, a topic concerning comparatively &lsquo\;low&rsquo\; technology has an equal chance of success as one which is technologically very complex.\n\n \ ;\n\n\nContact Details: Ian Mash\nTelephone: 0417686142\nAddress: Australi a.\n\n Alternative Contact: Monika Sud\nTelephone: 0410 873393 \nAddress: Sydney\, Australia. DTEND:20141016T200000 DTSTAMP:20231024T070730Z DTSTART:20141016T180000 LOCATION:Harrick's Auditorium (Chatswood)\, Level 3\, 8 Thomas St\, Close t o the railway station\, Chatswood NSW 2067\, NSW 2067\, Australia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Speak Out For Engineering: NSW Heat 2014 UID:be03ec65-ec7e-423f-a0ee-7f93268b3014 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR