开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Engineering for Fun - Inspiring the Next Gener ation\n\nEvent Type: Talk\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Detail s: Caroline Alliston\, CEng FIMechE\n\nDescription : Newly elected IMechE Fellow Caroline Alliston\, author of the &lsquo\;Technology for Fun&rsquo\ ; books of fun practical design and build projects for 7-14 year olds\, ta lks about how she changed from working in industry to inspiring the next g eneration of engineers. There will be lots of working models to play with\ , or to make and take away afterwards. Friends\, families and STEM ambassa dors welcome.\n\nTimings are a little different to usual:\nRefreshments fr om 6:45pm.\n6:45pm to 7:30pm - Chance for children to try some model makin g.\n7:30pm to 8:30pm - Talk followed by questions and answers.\n8:30pm - Y ounger guests can leave.\n8:30pm to 9:00pm Chance for adults to make some more models!\n\nClick here \;to download the event poster\, and please display at your place of work.\n\nBOOKING IS ESSENTIAL FOR THIS EVENT:\n\ nUpdate 18/01/15\nPLEASE NOTE\, THIS EVENT IS FULLY BOOKED \; \;\n \; \nIf you have a place for \;event on Jan 21st\, you will have received a reminder (dated 18th Jan) in your inbox. \; If you do not h ave the reminder\, please do not attend.\n\nThe waiting list is as long as the guest list. \; So we are considering running the event again\, if you are interested\, please still register (see below)\, so that we can c ontact you next time.\n\n\nPlease book this event using the "Book Now" lin k OR "Send a Message" links on this page.\nA message from the booking syst em does NOT mean that you have a place - you need an email confirmation fr om the organiser.\n\nWhen booking\, please provide names of all guests in your booking\, and the ages of any children that you are booking for. \; We ask for ages 8 and over. \; Children will need to sit quietly fo r the hour of the talk and questions.\n\n\n\nPlease see the \;Technolo gy for Fun web site\, and Facebook page.\n\nThis is event is promoted in t he Business and Professional Supplement to the November Edition of Cotswol d Life. \; Read the article by clicking the thumbnail image below \;or browse to the Cotswold Life Magazine web site.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe pictu re below shows project "Motorbike" from Book 2\, including two AA batterie s\, a motor with worm gear and CDs for wheels. \; (The poster link abo ve shows another project.)\n\n\n\n\n\nContact Details: DTEND:20150121T210000 DTSTAMP:20230322T060139Z DTSTART:20150121T184500 LOCATION:Safran Landing Systems - Gloucester\, Cheltenham Road East\, Glouc ester\, (Entrance off Down Hatherley Lane)\, GL2 9QH\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Engineering for Fun - Inspiring the Next Generation UID:96eb06d6-7171-48a6-9665-72e5c4f1ee79 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR