开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Introduction to predictive maintenance for eng ineers – vibration monitoring & thermography\n\nEvent Type: Technical Lect ure\n\nIndustry Sector: Process Industries\n\nSpeak Details: Presented by: \nSaira Dar- 3i Condition Monitoring Consultancy\nAndy Mellor - Pragmatic Maintenance & Reliability Ltd\n\n\nDescription : 3i CMC are an independent condition\nmonitoring consultancy specialising in the use of thermography as a\npredictive maintenance tool. Rotating equipment has historically be en\nanalysed by other techniques such as vibration analysis but more\nrece ntly industries have been introducing thermography as a trending\ntool. Th ermography is an extremely versatile technique\, which gives the\nuser the ability to apply it to almost anything.\n\n \;&ldquo\;How do you bala nce a 787 tonne\nmachine that takes several days to reach thermal equilibr ium?"\nFlywheel-generator-converters (FGC&rsquo\;s) are an essential part of the power\nsupplies for the Joint European Torus experimental fusion re actor at\nthe Culham Centre for Fusion Energy. When one of Culham&rsquo\;s two FGC&rsquo\;s\nshowed high vibration levels\, the UK Atomic Energy Aut hority engaged\nCheshire-based Pragmatic Maintenance and Reliability to ca rry out\nin-situ balancing. Andy Mellor\, Pragmatic&rsquo\;s MD will descr ibe how the\nchallenges were overcome and how balancing was successfully a chieved.\nPragmatic Maintenance and Reliability are specialists in Conditi on\nMonitoring\, industrial reliability improvement and in solving dynamic \nproblems with rotating machinery.\nThe\nIMechE Process Industries Divisi on and the Young Members Panels in the\nNorth West have launched a new ser ies of events for engineers of all\nages and experience where you can find out a bit more about more about\ntechnologies that we as engineers come i nto contact with. \; \;\nWhether\nyou are a graduate who wants to see a component or piece of equipment\nin practice or are an experienced e ngineer who wants a refresher\, or you\nhave a burning question that you h aven&rsquo\;t been able to get an answer too\nhopefully this series of eve nts will be of use to you!\nComplimentary refreshments will be served from 18:00hrs\, lectures will start at 18:30hrs \nTo book a place\, please con tact: Paul Brown on Email: paul.brown@lyondellbasell.com \nEvent poster:\n Predictive maintenance for engineers - Vibration monitoring &\; thermog raphy\nMap: Directions to Park Square\n \;\nEvent sponsor: \nJacobs En gineering Ltd \; \;\nhttp://www.jacobs.com \n\nREVIEW CAN BE DOWN LOADED HERE\n\n\nContact Details: Paul Brown\nAddress: United Kingdom. DTEND:20141013T200000 DTSTAMP:20230224T171943Z DTSTART:20141013T180000 LOCATION:Jacobs Ltd\, Park Squar Office\, Birdhall Lane\, Stockport\, Chesh ire\, SK3 0XN\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Introduction to predictive maintenance for engineers – vibration mo nitoring & thermography UID:f1f87e79-6735-4a8c-b34e-029c8c0270ee END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR