开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Queensland University Student's Evening\n\nEve nt Type: Schools/Colleges/University Events\n\nIndustry Sector: Railway\n\ nSpeak Details: Rodney Puzey\, a Member of the Institution of Mechanical E ngineers and a Chartered Engineer will provide a presentation to provide s ome idea of what life could be like post graduation\n\nDescription : The&n bsp\;University of Queensland \;Students' Evening\, held annually arou nd October at the St Lucia Campus of the University of Queensland\, provid es an opportunity \;for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers to pro vide a speaker to present a topic of particular interest to final year stu dents but to also provide \;them with an idea of what to expect in the ir working lives post graduation. \; The evening \;also provides a n opportunity for the Institution to introduce itself to the students and to discuss the benefits of Membership of a Professional Engineering \; Institution and eventual professional registration as a Professional (Char tered) \;Engineer.\n\nThe room for the presentation is 50-C207 (ELCX) at the University of Queensland. \;\nThis room is a student learning r oom which is opposite the Faculty of EAIT. \; Link is : http://www.eai t.uq.edu.au/virtual-tour. \; Click on Hawken Engineering Building unde r the heading *Explore by Building*. \; If you then click on the secon d last photo\, you will \;see an image of this room\, it has round tab les.\n\nContact Details: Leslie Yeow\nAddress: Brisbane\, Queensland\, 415 2\, Australia.\n\n Alternative Contact: Morgan Lewis\nAddress: Brisbane\, Queensland\, Australia. DTEND:20141014T193000 DTSTAMP:20231024T065602Z DTSTART:20141014T173000 LOCATION:University of Queensland\, TBD\, TBD\, Brisbane\, Australia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Queensland University Student's Evening UID:c5c0cca6-0773-40a8-8150-58f44a9c4973 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR