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IMarEST BeNeLux Branch -Technical MeetingIcebreaker RSV ‘Nuyina’

一个dd to your calendar Last updated - 14/05/2019 21:47

Technical lecture
04 June 2019 18:30 - 22:00
This event has finished

一个fter concept development of the vessel by Knud E. Hansen, design and construction is currently being managed by Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding in Vlissingen.Besides operating as a complex vessel in an inclement environment the vessel showcases an innovative propulsion arrangement in order to marry the functionalities of a research vessel, supply vessel and an icebreaker.In the processseveral engineering challenges had to be overcome.For example, the safe operation and control of the propulsion train under ice-induced loads, or the impact of redundancy on the electrical grid to safeguard DP-operations.

The propulsion configuration of the ASRVis atypical with respect to ‘classic’ icebreakers, having to merge the functionalities of a tanker/freighter with that of a research vessel while maintaining significant icebreaking capabilities. The hybrid(CODLAD)propulsion plant, which includes the RENK Advanced Electrical Drive (AED), was chosen to merge these functionalities into a single propulsion train. In the lecture background is provided on the trade-offthat led to this solution, and on the dynamic simulations that were performed to gain insight into the performance of this installation under icebreaking conditions. Lastly the lecture gives insight into how the design of the hybrid propulsion plant is influenced by DP(AA) class requirements and how redundancy requirements are met by this propulsion plant.

Full detailshere.

Detailed Programme
19:00 Technical Presentation
19:45 (Coffee) Break
20:00 Technical Presentation
20:45 Discussion / remaining questions
21:00 Drinks / Networking event
21:45 Closure
Register onlinehere. Please register before Friday 31thof May, so that we can order sufficient refreshments. Please note we have changed our policy concerning refreshments for non-members of IMarEST. We now kindly ask a contribution to refreshment costs of 5 euro’s from non-members. The bank account number of IMarEST BeNeLux branch is: NL67 RABO 0364 6179 69(no refunds).


Gert-Jan Meijn graduated as a mechanical engineer. Focus on power & process engineering at Delft University of Technology in 2013 and 2015 respectively. Johan graduated as a mechanical engineer from the HZ University of Applied Science. Joined Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding in 2005.


Delft University of Technology
Mechanical Engineering & Marine Technology Buildin
Mekelweg 2
2628 CD

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