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Roles and Responsibilities

Greater London Region Young Members Panel

About the Panel

IMecmanbetx体育注册hE大伦敦地区年轻成员的Panel is the official group for Young Mechanical Engineers who work or live in the London area. We organise events, arrange lectures on a wide range of subjects and promote Mechanical Engineering within society by supporting school and college events and lobbying the public and government.

Over the past years the London Young Members Panel has gone from strength to strength. Not only have we diversified our committee to include students and young engineers from many different universities and companies, we have also expanded our activities. As always, this year we aim to be even better!

We will continue to provide you with opportunities to attend personal development seminars and technical visits, but also increase the number of networking/social events we organise. In addition, we aim to improve the IMechE’s links with schools, universities and other institutions. The events we host are organised for you, so whether you have a query, want to get involved in the committee or simply just want to come along and see what we do, we look forward to hearing from you!

Institution Structure

Panel Structure

Benefits of joining the Panel

  • Looks great on your CV and will help you towards your application to get registered (chartered or incorporated) with the Institution and when you go for your interview.
  • A chance to develop/ hone your leadership skills, manage a budget or organise an event
  • Networking – the panel is not industry specific so it’s an opportunity to broaden your network and meet new people with a common interest
  • There is no fixed level of commitment, you can get involved as much or little as you like (volunteer at one single event in the year or commit a few hours every week by filling one of the main roles on the panel)

Rules for Election

For Tier 1 roles (Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Vice Chairs) you have to attend the AGM to be elected or be a current committee member. However, if you are interested in another position and cannot attend please email Chairman Alexios with your name, place of work or study, job role or study status (i.e. course and year), IMechE membership status (e.g. Affiliate, Associate etc.) and how the role would benefit you.

To apply, tell us about yourself, for example:

  • Name

  • Place of work or study

  • Job role or study status (i.e. course and year)

  • IMechE membership status (e.g. Affiliate, Associate etc.)

  • How the role would benefit you

Exec. (Tier 1) Team


Overall responsibility for the success of the YMP and directly accountable to the GLR Chair

Specific responsibilities include:

  • Setting the annual objectives for the YMP in consultation with the GLR Senior Chair
  • Ensuring smooth running and effective management of the YMP in delivering its objectives
  • Monitoring and developing the panel structure, processes and members
  • Monitoring the exercise of delegated authority by Tier 1 members
  • Reporting on YMP activities to the GLR Chair
  • Budget approval/control
  • Ensuring the business plan and regional strategy plans are submitted on time to HQ
  • Ensuring the YMP enters the YM Possible with the aim of winning the competition
  • Chairing YMP meetings and Tier 1 meetings
  • Approving agendas and minutes
  • Ensuring YM representation at other GLR meetings
  • Channelling YM communications to the relevant Tier 1 stream

Vice Chair - Events

Responsibility for the development, implementation and delivery of the YMP’s range of events. Directly accountable to the YMP Chair.

Specific responsibilities include:

  • Setting the annual event programme for the YMP in consultation with the YMP Chair
  • Developing, communicating and implementing the event strategy to deliver the YMP events
  • Managing the planning and execution of events in collaboration with the event organisers
  • Liaising with external parties – specifically with regards to coordinating events; e.g.: IMechE – HQ and Divisions & Groups, other engineering institutions, academic institutions, industry and others as necessary
  • Managing Tier 2 events organisers
  • Attending YMP and Tier 1 meetings, present update on the event programme
  • 会议主持二级事件
  • Maintaining a record of event attendees, contacts of volunteers and companies involved, and coordinate drafting of event notes for publication on the website, weekly e-mail etc.
  • Supporting and deputising for the YMP Chair in other areas as necessary

Vice Chair - Networking

Responsibility for the development, implementation and delivery of the YMP’s liaison programme. Directly accountable to theYMP Chair.

Specific responsibilities include:

  • Setting the annual objectives of the liaison programme for the YMP in consultation with the YMP Chair
  • Developing, communicating and implementing the strategy to deliver the YMP liaison programme
  • Managing the delivery of the YMP’s liaison programme
  • Liaising with external parties; IMechE – HQ and Divisions & Groups, other engineering institutions, academic institutions, industry and others as necessary
  • Developing the YMP’s University Liaison Scheme
  • Managing Tier 2 members in the liaison area
  • Ensuring YMP representation at YMB meetings
  • Attending YMP and Tier 1 meetings, present update on the liaison programme
  • Chairing Tier 2 liaison meetings
  • Supporting and deputising for the YMP Chair in other areas as necessary


Responsibility for the administration of the YMP and the development, implementation and delivery of the YMP’s publicity programme. Directly accountable to the YMP Chair.

Specific responsibilities include:

  • Developing, implementing and delivering the YMP’s publicity and media engagement strategy in consultation with the YMP Chair
  • Member and media communications
  • Maintaining the YMP’s calendar
  • Producing agendas and minutes for meetings
  • Booking rooms and resources
  • Ensuring all meetings, activities and events are promoted
  • Ensuring records of YMP members and activities are maintained
  • 确保YMP你附近的网页是最新的and developing the YMP’s online presence
  • Ensuring YM volunteers are provided to support YMP events
  • Managing Tier 2 members in the secretary’s area
  • Attending YMP and Tier 1 meetings, present update on the publicity programme
  • Chairing Tier 2 secretary meetings
  • Supporting and deputising for the YMP Chair in other areas as necessary


Responsibility for the management of the YMP’s finances and the development, implementation and delivery of the YMP’s financial plan/budget. Directly accountable to the YMP Chair.

Specific responsibilities include:

  • Developing, implementing and delivering the YMP’s financial strategy in consultation with the YMP Chair
  • Producing the annual budget report
  • Producing the annual end of year YMP account
  • Day to day management of the YMP’s bank account and budget, allocating funds and paying invoices
  • Signatory on YMP bank account
  • Liaising with the GLR Treasurer to ensure availability of funds and reporting expenditure
  • Developing and implementing the event funding framework to assess funding requests
  • Managing Tier 2 members in the treasurer’s area
  • Attending YMP and Tier 1 meetings, present update on the YMP finances
  • Chairing Tier 2 treasurer meetings
  • Supporting and deputising for the YMP Chair in other areas as necessary

Social Secretary

Responsible for the organisation of the GLR YMP’s social events throughout the year such as the YMs panel summer and winter socials and get registered events.

Specific duties include:

  • Organising social events and activities in line with the panel’s activity programme
  • Taking responsibility of a social event from start to finish, to include booking venues etc

Key Skills include:

  • Organisational skills
  • Good communicator
  • 工作能力上your own

Tier 2 Job Descriptions – Roles and Responsibilities

Institutional Liaison Officer (ILO)

  • Aims to develop contacts and improve relationships with other institutions (ICE, RICS, CIBSE etc.)
  • Responsible for assisting with organising joint events with other institutions and publicising events which other institution members may attend
    • Will take a lead role in producing the YMP- Liaison Quarterly Newsletterand ensure that it reaches a network of current IMechE and inter-institutional contacts.

Institutional Liaison Reps

  • Represent the YMP at other Institutions. Attend other institutions YM panel meetings. Act as a link between the specific institution and the YMP, ensuring effective bidirectional flow of information and communications.
  • Assist the Institution Liaison Officer by supporting the development/organisation of collaborative activities and attend networking meetings to represent the IMechE as required.

Academic Liaison Officer (ALO)

Aims to facilitate communication between the YM panel and academic institutions within the GLR

  • Update database of Academic Liaison Officers (ALOs) in each university (both student and facility member)
  • Utilise them for communicating the IMechE events to the student population
  • 增加IMechE的意识manbetx体育注册d its purpose to the student population

University Liaison Officers (ULOs):

Aim to facilitate communication between the Academic Liaison Officer and AcademicInstitution by:

  • Representing the student population in each the University within the GLR
  • Informing the students of the IMechE events, meetings and other opportunities
  • 增加IMechE的意识manbetx体育注册d its purpose to the student population

YMB Officer

Responsibility for the representation of the YMP at the national YMBoard level. The YM Board consists of YM representatives from every part of IMechE who share best practice with other YMs from the UK regions, divisions and groups, consultative committees and overseas members

  • Helping deliver the YMB business plan
  • A catalyst for change at a YM level
  • responsible for bringing the views of Young Members (YMs) from their specific area to the forefront of discussion
  • Attending YMB Meetings
  • Regional YMB rep collates YM views, discusses with the YMB to form common views, support and policy and communicate this to the YM Panels

Assistant Treasurer

Responsible for supporting the GLR YMPTreasurer in the management of the GLRYMP’s finances and the development, implementation and delivery of the YMP’s financial plan/budget. Directly accountable to the GLR YMPTreasurer.

Specific responsibilities include:

  • Supporting the GLR YMP Treasurer in developing, implementing and delivering the YMP’s financial strategy in consultation with the YMP Chair.
  • Providing input into the annual budget report.
  • Providing input into end of year YMP account.
  • Deputising for the GLR YMP Treasurer in management of the YMP’s bank account and budget, allocating funds and paying invoices.
  • Signatory on YMP bank account.
  • Supporting the GLR YMP Treasurer in liaising with the GLR Treasurer to ensure availability of funds and reporting expenditure.
  • Attending YMP meetings, present update on the YMP finances in Treasurer’s absence.
  • Attending Tier 2 Treasurer meetings.
  • Supporting and deputising for the YMP Treasurer in other areas as necessary

Assistant Secretary:

Support role to secretary undertaking jobs as and when delegated as well as deputising for the secretary when necessary. Capability to carry out the following key secretarial duties:

  • Producing agendas and minutes for meetings
  • Booking resources (rooms, catering) for events
  • Maintaining a list of Panel members
  • Track event attendance
  • Management of YMP calendar in relation to meetings, etc

Publicity Officer:

Key responsibility is to promote the panel events & activities, including where required promotion to other regions, groups, divisions and institution.

  • Publicity management of various forms including the list server, website (in conjunction with web officer) and IMechE AgendaMagazine
  • One-off input to create panel communication strategy as part of the business plan in conjunction with the vice chair
  • Support to chair in generation and distribution of quarterly newsletter through liaison with Tier 1 panel should be able to write draft material for chair to finalise
  • Additionally should have regular liaison with secretary and vice chair regarding upcoming events and best means of promotion.

Website Officer:

Key responsibility is management of the Panel Near You Website, including uploading panel correspondence, agendas, minutes, event details, biographies of PanelOfficers etc.

  • Undertakes regular checks to ensure that all website content is up to date
  • Promotion of website within Universities and Institutions alongside ALO and ILO
  • Identifies options for development of online capability (in conjunction with HQ where possible, looking at promotion, involvement, interactivity)

Social Media Officer:

Key responsibility is the management of Facebook page, twitter and LinkedIn.

  • Undertakes regular checks to ensure that content is up-to-date.
  • Post/tweet about upcoming GLR events and activities
  • Works with the website officer to identify options for development of online capability (in conjunction with HQ where possible, looking at promotion, involvement, interactivity)

Speak out for Engineering Officer

Responsible for the promotion and event organisation of one of these YMP cornerstone events

Specific duties include:

  • Taking responsibility for organising themed events from start to finish, to include booking venues, visits, guests etc
  • Communicating with key panel members

KeySkills include:

  • Organisational skills
  • Good communicator
  • 工作能力上your own

Engineering Your Future (EYF) Officer,Our World in 2050 OfficerandSET for Sport Officer

Responsible for the promotion and event organisation of one of these YMP cornerstone events

Specific duties include:

  • Taking responsibility for organising themed events from start to finish, to include booking venues, visits, guests etc
  • Communicating with key panel members

KeySkills include:

  • Organisational skills
  • Good communicator
  • 工作能力上your own

GLR YMP Events Organiser

Responsible for the promotion and event organisation in one of the IMechE key themes - Energy,Environment, Transport and Education

Specific duties include:

  • Taking responsibility for organising themed events from start to finish, to include booking venues, visits, guests etc
  • Organising at least one event (Lecture,Presentation, Visit etc) during the year to promote the key theme
  • Communicating with key panel members

KeySkills include:

  • Organisational skills
  • Good communicator
  • 工作能力上your own

If you would like to get involved in IMechE GLR YMP activities and find out about vacant positions pleaseclick herefor more information.

© 2023 Institution of Mechanical Engineers. IMechE is a registered charity in England and Wales number 206882