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About Us

The Area Committee exists to support the professional development of Institution members in Devon and Cornwall. We also hope to promote and celebrate engineering, encourage local people's engineering curiosity and inspire young people to consider engineering as a career.

Each year we hold an annual strategy meeting after our AGM to discuss our goals, visions and objectives for the upcoming year. See our short and long term objectives from this years strategy meeting below:

Long Term Objectives:

Long term objectives are the goals we have set for what we would like to achieve over the next 5 years. These goals will shape the strategy of the committee on how we would like to operate and our targets as we grow and develop as a committee.

  • ‘Be a Committee that is representative of local engineers (promote diversity)’
  • ‘Maintain longevity & sustainability of the Committee’.
  • ‘Create a well-developed brand image locally.’
  • ‘Establish Links with local interest groups, Institutions, and educational groups, Develop a partnership with five youth groups.’
  • ‘Support an engineering competition or prestigious event.’

Short Term Objectives:

Short Term Objectives are the goals we would like to complete over the next year until the next Annual General Meeting (AGM).

  • 'Maintain the level of communication to members, increase intercompany communications. Communicating outside of our Membership.’
  • ‘Diversify Continuous Professional Development (CPD) events. (Lectures, debates, tours etc.), holding 3 Large CPD events per year.’
  • ‘Host at least one event per month’.
  • ‘Continue links with local interest groups and Institutions’.
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  • ‘Hold minimum of 2 social events per year (1 in Devon, 1 in Cornwall).’
  • ‘Increase the focus on Professional registration within the area by running MPDS Mentoring, Professional Registration sessions and create a link with the IMechE business team.’
  • ‘Promote engineering excellence in the area from both companies and members.’

© 2023 Institution of Mechanical Engineers. IMechE is a registered charity in England and Wales number 206882