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Undergraduate Design Challenge

2023 Competition:

Congratulations to all the fantastic engineering students who took part in the IMechE Yorkshire Undergraduate Design Challenge Regional Finals at the University of Hull on Friday 2nd June 2023. Each of the 1st and 2nd year winning teams from Hull will now go on to represent the Region at the National Finals later this year.

Special thanks go out to the University of Hull for hosting this year's competition and to all of the volunteers from our IMechE East Yorkshire Young Members Panel & Area Committee who took the time out to support the event.

2017 Competition:

In May 2017 we held the second Yorkshire Region Undergraduate Design Challenge.

Every year a new challenge is set for first year undergraduate students to design a solution to a problem, make it, explain it using a poster and a presentation, and compete against students from other universities. Winners from each region will go on to take part in a National Final.

In 2016 The University of Huddersfield were the winning university and went on to compete in the National final and came 3rd - Well Done Huddersfield!

In 2017 the standard of competition was again really high with all the teams producing excellent devices, informative posters and engaging presentations. However, The University of Leeds managed to fend off the competition to win first place and will be going on to compete in the national final in October 2017 - Well Done Leeds!

The University of Huddersfield again did well achieving second place, and The University of Hull won third place. Well done to all teams participating.

The Spec for the 2017 Design Challenge can be foundhere.

Are you up for the challenge?

Any first year undergraduate students can take part in the challenge, all you need to do is form your team and get in touch with the contact (listed below) at your university, or contact us if no contact is listed.

The 2018 Yorkshire Final will be held at The University of Hull. Details are still to be confirmed.

For more information on the challenge please visit themain page.

This year the universities taking part are:

The University of Sheffield - Dr James Meredith
Sheffield Hallam University - Contact yet to be appointed
The University of Leeds - Dr Brian Henson
The University of Hull - Brian Houston
The University of Huddersfield - Christian Young
The University of Bradford - Dr Steve Wright


We would like to thank our sponsors DENSO and AESSEAL for supporting the 2017 Yorkshire Region undergraduate design challenge.

If you are interested in sponsoring in future years please see ourInvitation to Sponsor the Undergraduate Design Challenge.

Useful contacts

约克郡地区Competi信息tion please contactSarah Vaughan

A few photos from the 2017 Yorkshire Challenge

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